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DIY: Burlap Pillow Cover

What a beautiful week ahead of us! August is just slipping away and taking summer with it. Well, well , while I was creating new a fall listing for Nature Whisper Etsy Shop I thought of sharing these tips with the sewing beginners, on how to make a simple envelope closing pillow cover 40x40 cm. Above you see the very first pillow I made last summer with my hand printed family quote on it. Isnt it lovely! 

1. Measure the width of an existing pillow cover with the same size 40x40 on the fabric you going to make a pillow of . And leave some longer fabric length on the sides for seam allowance. I placed the existing cover on the end of the fabric and folded it over once, I then added about 4-6" for overlap at the end. (a 40"x40" pillow should be about 40"x66")

2. I folded the short end  and ironed it, 3. fold it over once more to cover all raw edges. Repeat on other short side. 

4. Sew the two short sides where you created the hem. 5. Then fold the fabric (right side in) place the cover to the side and adjusted the fabric until its the same length and pinned in place.

5. Sew the two open ends 6. At the end snipped the corners so that they would stick out easily. Then turn it right side out and pushed the corners out. Then your pillow cover should be ready to use! 

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  1. This is really beautiful...you did a splendid job :)) xx

  2. What a great DIY! :)


  3. Thank you ladies! glad you liked it :-)


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